Services For Both The Sick
and The Concerned Well
All clients must go through an initial consultation, which determines your current health status and the most suitable ancillary services for each individual. Post initial consultation and/or treatment, a client may book any service without seeing our Doctor. Remember, our services are tailored for prevention and reversal of dis-ease, therefore they are ideal for both the sick and the concerned well.”
- Setting an appointment
You can set an appointment through WhatsApp, e-mail, or a phone call. Through both WhatsApp and e-mail, you will be issued with a Client Intake Form which you shall fill-in and submit back to us, and then a timeslot shall be issued to you. If setting an appointment through a phone, you will be issued a timeslot and you can then fill-in the Client Intake Form upon arrival.
- The initial consultation
RBTI is an acronym for Reams Theory of Ionization, it is a scientific approach which analyses seven parameters, in urine and saliva, to determine the current health status of the body. It was founded by Dr. Carey A. Reams (1903-1985) when he developed a perfect health formula for rebuilding each cell in the body through Biological Ionization; which is a study of how energy continuously becomes matter and how matter becomes energy. The human body is like an energy generator, it converts food and fluids into measurable energy, whereby the highest energy possible is represented by the perfect health formula. A loss of energy is a move away from the perfect health formula (AKA the healing zone), thus indicating cell degeneration and disease, shortages or excesses with minerals, vitamins, hydration, oxygen, proteins, total carbohydrates, total salts, and excessive toxins etc.
RBTI offers a unique opportunity to measure energy loss and pinpoints the exact amount and area of energy loss for each person, which is always the cause of disease. Once the cause is identified, RBTI guidelines determine how perfect health can be regained by adjusting the person’s biochemistry back to perfect health through nutrition, minerals, vitamins and ancillary treatments. Each person has a unique way of losing energy, even if identical twins were suffering from the same condition, each would have a unique programme to regain perfect health due to their unique body systems.
The Institute of Practical Psychophysics has produced this biofeedback health investigation system, which makes it possible to trace conditions/aberrations in the body through changes in the wave characteristics of tissue, individual cells, chromosomes and even separate ferments and hormones. Non-linear analysis systems (NLS) are the most advanced information technologies available in this century and can be considered the most remarkable and advantageous accomplishment of modern natural science. The diagnosis equipment is based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic field of any biological object.
The Metatron 4025 NLS scanner is non-invasive and capable of tuning to the frequency of the master pulses of the body’s organs automatically, as well as detecting and correcting defects and pathologies in organs and body cells on its own. It detects aberrations at the tissue, cellular, chromosomal, DNA helix and molecular level. This is achieved through a combination of different specifically modulated magnetic oscillations recorded on a matrix. The fundamental concept in the development of this equipment was the hypothesis that the human body has an electromagnetic information framework that can respond to external radiation. Thus any dis-ease can be represented as a disturbance of the harmonic synchronization in any biological object. The disturbance may be brought about by different causes that in turn can be regarded
as disharmonic electromagnetic oscillations causing blocks (noise), which interferes with the normal functioning of the body. It is now possible to pin-point the cells of the body which are not functioning optimally, and then eliminate these disharmonic oscillations by applying the laws of physics, thereby bringing the body into homeostasis.
The Metatron 4025 NLS is currently the only FDA approved scanner of its kind.
A healthy well-functioning colon is essential for optimal health and the first organ to be cleansed in a detoxification program because all other organs deposit their waste into the colon. Colon irrigation and Hydrotherapy, is a safe and effective method of cleansing the colon via repeated gentle flushing with warm filtered water under very low pressure to remove toxins, encrusted faecal matter, unwanted extra gas/mucus etc. This allows vital nutrients to be absorbed more easily and leave a person feeling rejuvenated and healthier.
The process uses a specialized colon cleansing machine and specialized massage techniques on the tummy area to stimulate release. Our therapy is very safe as we use sterilized speculums and the water goes through an advanced filtration system prior to entering the colon. The majority of people have accumulated toxins in the colon that are caused by our sedentary lifestyles, stress/depression, animal protein, dairy products, refined carbohydrates, fat, sugar, processed foods, artificial food additives, low water intake, low intake of vegetables, and lack of exercise, alcohol/caffeine and all fizzy drinks. Accumulation of toxins in the colon is dangerous to your health as it can lead to major illnesses (i.e. colon cancer), these toxins get absorbed into the blood and are distributed to the cells, a condition called autointoxication. As a result of this autointoxication we feel and perform far below our potential and are susceptible to various illnesses.
Colon hydrotherapy benefits bowel regularity, increases energy levels and mood, improves digestion and absorption, mental clarity, brightens and clears skin/eyes, boosts immune system, assists in weight loss/balancing and body shaping, alkalizes body and hydrates the body. It can help the body to heal various conditions like constipation, IBS, bloating, excessive gas, allergies, candida overgrowth, skin problems, brittle nails and hair, body odours, bad breadth, backache, stiffness, arthritis, fatigue, insomnia, poor concentration, and headaches. Everyone, including the person who leads a healthy life, can benefit from cleansing their colon.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, is a safe and effective natural method of delivering more oxygen to the body whilst a person lies inside a pressurised vessel. Oxygen is the most important nutrient to our body, increasing its intake improves overall cell health, kills bacteria and viruses, stimulates the release of growth factors and stem cells which promote regeneration/healing, and effectively oxidizes and removes harmful toxins and heavy metals. HBOT sessions can vary from 5 sessions to 40 sessions, or more, depending on a person’s condition. The improvement/healing effect continues even long after the sessions have ended.
The normal outdoor environment consists of approximately 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, with the other gases making up 1%; this means the maximum oxygen inhalation in a normal outdoor environment is about 21%. Our HBOT delivers 93% oxygen to the body under pressure via an oxygen facial mask.
When we increase our oxygen intake, we enhance the overall body’s functions, including fighting and reversing inflammation, healing of serious injuries like traumatic brain injury
(TBI), sports injuries, vehicle accident injuries, by bringing oxygen rich blood to the starved tissue. Recovery time for sports people is achieved quicker. Some of the conditions HBOT can improve include gangrene (and diabetic non-healing wounds, it also combats type 2 diabetes), burns, serious infections, infection of skin or bone that causes tissue death, skin craft (skin flap) at risk of tissue death, severe anaemia, sudden and painless vision loss, sudden deafness, radiation injury, carbon monoxide poisoning, some brain and sinus infections, asthma, stress, depression, Dementia (lack of oxygen is usually attributed to most brain injuries), quality of life for the elderly, autism, ADHD, beautiful skin (overall youthful appearance), IBS, boosts immune function, reduce swelling and pain, frostbite and many more.
Far-infrared (FIR) uses electromagnetic energy to penetrate your cells and organs, thereby increasing body temperature, nitric oxide production and improving blood flow; nitric oxide cleans arteries, veins, and improves heart health and physical performance. Ozone (O 3 ) is a highly active form of oxygen (composed of three oxygen molecules) that is beneficial in increasing the oxygenation of cells. Combining FIR with Ozone in one therapy treatment has powerful anti-inflammatory effects, and significantly boosts the immune system; and because
they are also potent at killing harmful viruses/bacteria/yeast/fungi/parasites, removing free radicals/toxins from the body, this therapy improves energy levels and is an excellent anti-aging treatment. It is also very good for overall body detoxification, joint and muscle health, increases growth hormone by 140%, reduces shoulder/back/neck pain, fights insomnia, and reduces lactic acid build-up.
FIR Ozone therapy accelerates metabolism, kidney/lung/endocrine glands/colon function, burns 400+ calories per session thereby effecting a much-desired weight loss. It calms nerves, normalises hormone and enzyme production and improves brain function. It is a perfect tool for those who want to reverse a chronic illness and those who are healthy but would like to increase their health and vitality.
In Ozone and Herbal Steam Spa your body sits in an enclosed steam capsule, while the head remains outside the capsule for fresh oxygen intake which is to be mixed with ozone that is generated by the machine. The combined oxygen and ozone kill bacteria and viruses while bringing detoxification, new life and protection to your tissues and cells. Since the skin is our largest organ, hot steam stimulates the sweat glands thus increasing eliminative, detoxifying and cleansing capacity of the skin which gives you a healthy skin tone and texture. With the skin pores opened by the hot steam, ozone enters the bloodstream and travels to the fat and lymph tissue, which carries 90% of body fluids and cleanses it (Ladies! no more swollen ankles and unwanted fat). The steam is mixed with medicinal herbs of choice, which are selected for
individual aberration and/or condition to be treated, this makes this therapy extremely potent. It is also ideal for the healthy who just want to be rejuvenated, improve their performance, or maintain their health. Ozone brings oxygen to your body for enhanced overall health and vitality. Hydrotherapy improves your immune system, improves digestion, relaxes, and soothes sore muscles/joints/nerves, cleanses bodily toxins, heavy metal poisoning and acid wastes, it is a truly powerful healing and rejuvenation experience. It is used for pain management and treatment of many illnesses including heart disease, acne, arthritis, colds, depression, headaches, stomach problems, sleep disorders, stress, and chronic pain, Lymphedema, High Blood Pressure, varicose veins, Diabetes Mellitus and many more. Ozone and herbal steam spa relax and loosens muscles by reducing the build-up of lactic acid and increasing muscle flexibility; it boosts blood circulation, helping injured muscles to repair quicker and oxidizes toxins so they can be eliminated through the skin, lungs, kidneys and colon.
A detoxification programme for the healthy is done firstly by doing a health assessment, this is just a precaution that will help us to maximise your detox procedure and avoid any unforeseen/unknown conditions that may lead to complications. For the ill, it is strictly recommended by our doctor. Detoxification cleanses essential organs and systems like the skin, the kidney, circulatory system, lymphatic system, and the digestive system etc. Detoxification is the cornerstone of any health and wellness program, modern living includes years of exposure to toxic food additives, toxic drinks, drugs/medicines, emotions/stress, pesticides/insecticides/herbicides, and many more which overload the body’s energies until it cannot cope anymore; once this happens our minds are clouded, our performance and energy levels decline, we get sick etc. Just like a vehicle needs regular servicing due to environmental toxins and parts wear, our bodies also need to be cleansed due to our toxic environment and aging. Detoxification cleanses the body of these toxins and releases vital life force energy for enhanced joy, creativity, and performance. The cleaner your body the healthier you are and the clearer your thinking!
This is an electrical generator and compressor which produces approximately 95% pure oxygen for use by people who have difficulty breathing, i.e. people with Asthma. It is extremely beneficial for people who are experiencing post-Covid 19 complications, and other similar conditions which require oxygen therapy.
The verse “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…Hosea 4: 6”could not be more precise than in these last days. The leading cause of death is heart disease, followed by stroke and other lifestyle diseases. While not every person can be healed, all lifestyle diseases are preventable and can be reversed, but the problem is that people do not know this, and they have settled for managing lifestyle diseases through drugs. While drugs have their place in the healing arts (i.e. trauma), they cannot reverse a lifestyle disease/condition. The wealthier we become, the sicker we become because we change from leading simple lives, to leading fast paced sophisticated lives.
Through individual, family, church, community, and organisation health education programmes, we teach people how to live a fulfilling life and/or how to reverse lifestyle diseases and conditions. We believe this is our God given mission, the most important service we can offer. We teach you how to be your own doctor, and to take care of your loved ones. Health is wealth, individuals and companies lose millions annually due to sick days/leaves, sometimes it is not even the employee who is sick but their loved ones.
A health expo is a public health intervention designed for health education and health screening purposes, it teaches the public on how to prevent lifestyle diseases and conditions through Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air, Rest, and Trust in God. Each participating individual is first screened, and the results are used for one-on-one counselling on how to improve their health and quality of life. We conduct it for communities, churches, organisations, etc. and the screened results are confidential between the practitioner and the individual. Lifestyle conditions include stress, obesity etc.
We use ordinary hand massage upon request or when recommended by the doctor, and we similarly use Jade Themal Acupuncture massage. The latter combines four thousand years of Traditional Chinese Medice’s acupuncture with western medicine’s Far Infrared technology. The jade stones, mined specifically in China, are powered by FIR to mimic the acupuncture needles to restore optimum blood circulation or energy flow, called Qi in Chinese; this flushes out toxins and soothes backbone joints thus improving cell regeneration, quick healing, muscle/nerve stiffness, dissolving cholesterol/fat, relieving backbone problems/spine, muscular spasms, and vertebra alignment. Hand massage has the added advantage of reaching areas which the Jade Thermal Massage can not reach, it also has similar benefits, and both are rejuvenating, helps one to sleep better, relieve some headaches, sooth anxiety/stress/depression etc. Massage is not only for the sick, but a very good way of maintaining good health.
Our routines last from as little as 7 minutes and go to a maximum of 30 minutes, they can be individually tailored for therapeutical purposes while for health improvement and maintenance they are freely shared on social media. You can find us on YouTube and Facebook for these free health benefits.
Exercise in general can help boost the immune system, boost energy levels, protect against stress, illness, colds, infections, etc. While exercising is good for the body, most people will be surprised to learn there is a difference between being fit and being healthy. A person can be fit but not be healthy.
Our exercise and lifestyle improvement routines are tailored to improve health, quality of life and longevity both to the truly sick and those who are health conscious; the routines strike a balance between improving the mind, physique, spirituality, and the nervous system. These can include mobility exercises (for healthy joints), breathing exercises, strength exercises, flexibility exercises etc. The routines range from beginner to medium and use one’s body weight, and rarely use minimal equipment like resistance rubber bands. It has been scientifically proven that people who incorporate spirituality in their health improvement, improve a lot quicker than those who do not, so our lifestyle improvement routines include Christian spirituality.
One of the most difficult projects to humanity is change or management of change, we are truly creatures of habit. Our experience has taught us that this is the main reason which prevents people from leading a healthy lifestyle. We have tailored a Lifestyle Improvement Programme which includes healthy cooking lessons, substituting unhealthy foods, and slow but steady progressions towards a healthy lifestyle. Since people are different and have different lifestyles; with you, we find the best improvement programme for each individual and or family.